Category December 2019

In my feelings

The moonseek solace in nowhere, The day’suncertainties,knows me best No wordis enough to quantifymy despair. Fear of loveturned hate, Fear of lifehanging on ahair strand of death, Fear ofmorrow-fullcertain uncertainties, Fear ofbeing dead alive, Fear ofliving while dead,dead not to…

Welcome To Society

– Written by: Mercy-Hephzibah Esang Welcome to society, where the same people who body-shame you will be the first to throw stones at you for committing suicide over the depression that followed their rude comments. Yesterday they said ” Why’re…

Stay Sane; Stay Safe – Elizabeth Ita

China was the first country affected by the pandemic of 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. Several unique characteristics of China’s COVID-19 epidemic patterns have affected mental health leading to increased anxiety, depression,…