“What mental health needs is more sunlight, more candor, and more unashamed conversation.”
– Glenn Close
One of our goals as an organization is to create mental health awareness. Counting down to five years since Stilt Ng was established, we have had over 70 online sessions handling topics ranging from self-care & the art of saying NO, managing anger, accidental counselling, navigating mental health in a social media-obsessed world, the magic of dialogue, dealing with conflict, body image, eating disorders, etc. Our online community has grown to accommodate over 300 people in a close-knit bond and thousands more through our various initiatives.

Children’s Mental Health Week at Mary Slessor Academy on 17th February 2023.
Theme: Substance Abuse and its Impact on Mental Health. Over 319 students were reached.

Children’s Mental Health Week
(St Patrick’s College)
- 5th February 2020
We embarked on an outreach to mark the Children’s mental health week with the theme – FIND YOUR BRAVE.
Over 108 students were reached and inspired to greatness.

Children’s Mental Health Week
(Government Technical College)
- 7th February 2020
We also carried out an outreach to this school to mark the Children’s mental health week with the theme – FIND YOUR BRAVE.
Over 46 students were reached in this outreach. We also offered counselling to some students that were in need of it. On the whole, it was a huge success.

Walk for Mental Health (World Mental Health Day)
- 10th October 2020
Approximately 70 people turned out to make a statement that mental health matters an over a thousand people were reached – whether you volunteered, walked, or donated, we are so grateful!
Our love goes out to our amazing partners. WE MADE THIS HAPPEN – Bridging Space, Guru Foundation, Pacesetters, SafeSpace Ng, In My Head Support Group, Serial Volunteer Community, YALI Cross River State Chapter, Light-It Nigeria, BrineFort & Festival Poetry Calabar.Here’s a sneak peek of pictures from the walk.