Dealing with loss – Elizabeth Ita

Today, 6th June 2020, marks 12 years since I lost my dad. It hasn’t been the sweetest of experiences. I was just 12 years old when it happened and I remember that for years after that incident I lived in…
Today, 6th June 2020, marks 12 years since I lost my dad. It hasn’t been the sweetest of experiences. I was just 12 years old when it happened and I remember that for years after that incident I lived in…
Life is a long series of losses. It’s the only guaranteed thing in our existence. We lose family, friends, relationships, jobs, and communities. Over time, people have come to establish and/or accept certain misconceptions about grief and loss. Read through…
It’s so annoying to hear this phrase, “real women have curves’. Does this mean that we with not too prominent curves are a figment of the imagination? Are we aliens? I may be getting ahead of myself. Let me introduce…
This page contains fact sheets and other resources to support the health and well-being of communities impacted by COVID-19 adapted from Centre for the study of Traumatic Stress. No permission is needed to use or adapt these fact sheets for…
The moonseek solace in nowhere, The day’suncertainties,knows me best No wordis enough to quantifymy despair. Fear of loveturned hate, Fear of lifehanging on ahair strand of death, Fear ofmorrow-fullcertain uncertainties, Fear ofbeing dead alive, Fear ofliving while dead,dead not to…
The change from the original theme, “Sleep”, was made by the Mental Health Foundation. This is the charity that started Mental Health Awareness Week as a way to create awareness for mental health as touching certain issues they choose to highlight…
– Written by: Mercy-Hephzibah Esang Welcome to society, where the same people who body-shame you will be the first to throw stones at you for committing suicide over the depression that followed their rude comments. Yesterday they said ” Why’re…
People are going through a lot in this season A lot of people have come to realize they’ve led a lonely life even while living with people. Others now understand that when people smile & laugh with you, it doesn’t…
Self care and self love are about making positive lasting change in our lives. Part of self care/self love is making sure we talk to ourselves with all the love we deserve. Research indicates that nearly 80% of our self…
Written by Elizabeth Ita As concerts are postponed, sporting events are canceled, schools are closed and tourist hot spots are shut down, experts recommend that even those who show no sign of illness stay home during this time of global pandemic. That’s right: It’s…